Hello and welcome my chaotic fren! You have stumbled upon my personal portfolio. If you didn't already know I am spirited member of The Golden Ratio. I have 4 other sisters, Hopper, Maggie, Jasmine, and Quesso. I loooooove all of them very very much (specially Queso :P). I am an official science dog and I have braved many exciting visits to the VET.
I love food. My favorite food is waffles. They are like these soft warm clouds that melts as I eat them. They are delicious I recommend them for all meals. I also eat carots every day. They are a very strange food. If you didnt know carrots are these strange, long, orangy, crunchy food that is very very delicious. I snack on them all the time.
I have listed some my proudest achievements below and some of my glorious pictures. You can follow my daily activities on twitter @TheGoldenRatio4 and snapchat @TheGoldenRatio4.